All posts by 1professor

I am an eighth grade teacher in a K-8 setting and an adjunct professor at a local two-year college, reading and writing each day. I have recently realized that life is an exercise in research. (Thanks to Chris Lehman for making what should have been obvious something of an epiphany for me!) The journey begins with curiosity, and that it a trait I have in excess. One of my favorite quotes belongs to Eleanor Roosevelt who said, "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."

Welcome to 151 RaW (Readers and Writers)

The first days of a new semester can be a time of mixed feelings.  After all, there is so much to sort out.  Asking yourself, “Why am I here?”–not in the existential sense, but in the pragmatic one–may well be the first step.

You have received a course syllabus and a general overview, so you may have specific questions.  ASKING QUESTIONS provides a great start to any learning journey.  After you review the materials distributed during the first class, ASK THEM.  Probably someone else is wondering the same thing but lacks your confidence!  ASK.

This blog will provide a platform for all voices to be heard, particularly those who are discomfited by speaking in a full-group session.  In addition it allows for a more measured, thoughtful response to texts and to ideas, not only of your own but of others.  As your professor, I appreciate the opportunity to see your thinking as well as ensure that you are keeping up with the reading necessary for class.  Ideally,whether you are new to blogs and blogging, or a veteran, in terms of the requirements of this course, our exchanges here should enhance and develop thinking analytically and reflecting deeply.

My overwhelming feeling is optimism, and I welcome you to our class.